Yard Waste

Franklin County homeowners are permitted to drop yard waste for free at the following locations as long as they meet these requirements: 

  1. The Homeowner is a resident of Franklin County 
  2. The material being dropped off is free of soil, treated lumber, railroad ties, construction material, building supplies, concrete, plastic bags and trash of any kind.
  3. Material must be less than 1/4"


Dropoff locations for Franklin County Residents:


4120 Roberts Road (Ohio Mulch) 614-921-9330

4665 Westerville Road (Ohio Mulch) 614-891-3242

1600 Universal Road (Ohio Mulch) 614-445-4455

2541 Harrisburg Pike (Ohio Mulch) 614-594-0270

537 Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road (Ohio Mulch) 614-863-0445




What we accept

Brush, Limbs, Chips, Clean Wood, leaves, yard clippings - Pretty much anything that was 'living' before removing it from your property. Paper yard waste bags are permitted, but absolutely no plastic bags are allowed.


What we DON'T accept

Treated lumber, railroad ties, construction material, building supplies, concrete, plastic bags and trash of any kind.



All locations accept yard waste aside from Riverside.


Costs for non-franklin county residents and commercial accounts:

All Columbus locations except Westerville and Roberts

$48.50 Standard drop off fee -  there will be an increase in charge for double and triple axel vehicles

$69.99 Logs / Material that is 15 inches plus in diameter

$129.62 Logs / Material that is 20 inches and over in diameter

$129.62 Stumps or Root Balls

Roberts Road 

$36.73 Standard drop off fee -  there will be an increase in charge for double and triple axel vehicles

$129.62 Logs / Material that is 20 inches and over in diameter

$129.62 Stumps or Root Balls


$38.50 Standard drop off fee - there will be an increase in charge for double and triple axel vehicles

$69.99 Logs / Material that is 15 inches plus in diameter

$129.62 Logs / Material that is 20 inches and over in diameter

$129.62 Stumps or Root Balls

$13.43 for Clean Wood Chips (charges can vary for larger loads and material)

Please arrive early enough to give yourself time to offload your yard waste prior to the closing times. Hours may vary by location. 


Sod and Soil requirements 

  • Must be clean of wood debris
  • Must not contain excessive amount of rock
  • No Concrete or construction material

Sod and Soil cost for everyone

Single axle truck with trailer $95

Dual axle truck or 4 tires $129

6 or more tires $149