
We are Ohio's largest producer of landscaping products and one of America's leading suppliers of mulch, stone, and soils. We have been a forerunner in the mulch industry for more than 25 years. With our extensive history, we are pleased to be able to supply our wholesale customer with an exceptional level of service and product quality.

Ohio Mulch Wholesale is focused on providing both bulk and bagged materials to a variety of customers, including, but not limited to, brokers, convenience stores, distributors, fundraisers, garden centers, grocery stores, hardware stores, home centers, landscapers, municipalities, and a variety of other customers. With multiple manufacturing locations in Georgia and Ohio, we are able to deliver mulch just about everywhere!

Wholesale customers are able to secure a more competitive price based on the size of their orders. In order to qualify for our wholesale program, customers need to purchase a minimum of a half semi-load of bagged material or a full load of bulk material. Customers will need to complete a credit application or provide an authorized purchase order through one of our distributors.

Many of our products are certified by the Mulch & Soil Council, ensuring our customers and their consumers that the material used meets the highest standards.

We greatly appreciate having the opportunity to provide you with your mulch, stone, and soil needs.

Please fill out a submission on our contact us page for a quote.

Please feel free to call us with any questions or concerns at 614-445-4455. Ready to get the process started?  Please fill out our Credit Application

Please email completed applications to ar@ohiomulch.com