#6905 - Pennington Tall Fescue Bld 3lb
Enjoy a resilient, durable, dark green lawn you can be proud of with Pennington Smart Seed Tall Fescue. This premium cool-season blend of turf-type tall fescue varieties brings your lawn improved resistance to heat, cold, shade, drought and disease. Suited to a wide range of climates, including the challenging transition zone, this tall fescue blend is ideal for lawns that receive four to eight hours of daily sun.
- Grows a beautiful fine-textured lawn
- Maintains a deep green color throughout the growing season
- Contains improved heat-, drought- and disease-resistant varieties
- Lower-growing blend requiring less mowing than common Fescues
- Cool-season, aggressive, perennial bunchgrass that develops a uniform sod as it matures
- Adapts to a wide range of soils, including poorly drained areas
- Contains Pennington’s exclusive Penkoted technology